Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O

Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O

July 4: American Independence Day/July 12: Eat Your Jell-O Day

Happy birthday, U.S.A.! At the backyard barbecues and summer socials we attend on this American holiday, people share potluck side dishes and desserts at the host’s home. We usually contribute a flag cake but sometimes it is too filling and heavy. So we bring “Broken Glass Jell-O” in patriotic colors (red, white and blue) instead because it is lite and cool. The recipe is easy and versatile—change the colors of the Jell-O to reflect the holiday (orange and lemon yellow for fall; strawberry or cherry red and lime for Christmas; etc.). Nosh on this nostalgic dessert on July 4 (American Independence Day) and also on July 12 (Eat Your Jell-O Day)!!!


(From Phyllis S.)


  • 6 ounces (1 large box or 2 small boxes) blue Jell-O (blueberry)
  • 6 ounces (1 large box or 2 small boxes) red Jell-O (strawberry, cherry or raspberry)
  • water
  • 2 packets unflavored gelatin
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk


In a bowl, dissolve the blue Jell-O in 1 cup of boiling water. Stir well. In another bowl, dissolve the red Jell-O in 1 cup of boiling water. Stir well. Pour each into two 8-inch square pans. Cool to set in the refrigerator.

Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O

In a bowl, dissolve the unflavored gelatin in 2 cups boiling water. Stir well. Cool slightly then mix in the condensed milk. Then cool completely at room temperature (do not refrigerate yet).

Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O

Cut the blue and red Jell-O into small squares. Place in a lightly greased 9×13-inch pan. Pour the cooled milk mixture over the Jell-O squares. Refrigerate until firm. Slice into 24 blocks. Arrange on a platter and serve chilled.

Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O


  • Thanks to Phyllis S. for sharing the recipe with us and gifting us with a Jell-O cookbook, “The Magic of Jell-O,” which has additional recipes for Jell-O desserts.
  • Search our blog for other patriotic and Jell-O recipes.

Red, White and Blue Strawberries

Red, White and Blue Strawberries 

July 4: American Independence Day

Happy birthday, America! People are especially patriotic today and traditionally celebrate the country’s independence by watching parades and fireworks; stimulating the economy by shopping at the sales; or spending time, relaxing and feeding our faces (of course!) with family and friends. On this national holiday, we usually grill burgers and hot dogs or barbecue spare ribs, steaks or chicken. Sometimes we also prepare a patriotic parfait or American flag cake. Today we tried a simple sweet treat featuring red strawberries, white chocolate and blue sanding sugar for a cute red-white-and-blue dessert as a festive Fourth of July food!


(Inspired by Internet photos)


  • strawberries
  • white chocolate or vanilla candy wafers
  • blue sanding sugar


Wash and dry the strawberries.  Melt the white chocolate or vanilla candy wafers in the microwave as directed on the package. Stir until smooth.

Red, White and Blue Strawberries

Dip each strawberry two-thirds with the melted chocolate or vanilla candy. Place on waxed paper to set slightly. Before the coating hardens, generously dip the bottom third of the strawberry into the blue sanding sugar. Place on waxed paper to set completely or display in mini-paper cupcake/muffin cups.

Red, White and Blue Strawberries


  • Strawberries should be at room temperature for dipping or they will “sweat” after cooling.
  • White chocolate or vanilla candy wafers may also be melted in a double boiler.
  • It is best to prepare the red-white-and-blue strawberries on the day of the meal or as close to serving as possible for freshness. The strawberries tend to leak some juices and the coating melts in higher temperatures. Refrigerate to solidify the coating as necessary.
  • Search our blog for more festive Fourth of July foods.

American Flag Cake

(Gelatin Poke Cake)

American Flag Cake 

June 14: Flag Day (U.S.A.)

We have a small collection of American flags in our home. But out of all of them, the most meaningful one to Islander is the flag that her oft-mentioned friend Lisa L. sent to her on behalf of herself and her unit of fellow U.S. Naval Reservists who, at the time, were serving in the Middle East. Along with the flag was a certificate in Islander’s name, signed by Lisa’s commanding officer and command master chief, stating:

“This is to certify that this flag was flown over the United States Military Hospital Kuwait, Camp Arifjan, 04 July ‘05, (Operation Iraqi Freedom), at the request of HM1 Lisa L., U.S.N., in honor of your dedicated support and loyalty by sending special cakes and baked goods which increased morale ten-fold to the troops at the USMHK.”

Islander is very touched and honored with this generous gift because it recognizes her love for her country and baking! Flag Day (and many other American holidays, such as Memorial Day and Independence Day, to name a few) is an opportune time for her to show her patriotism and passion for preparing festive foods, such as this flag cake (also known as gelatin poke cake). What a sweet salute to the Stars and Stripes!


(Adapted from Kraft Foods)

For the gelatin poke cake

  • 1 18. 25-ounce boxed white cake mix (we used Duncan Hines brand)
  • 1 1/3 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 egg whites (we used Just Whites brand pasteurized egg whites)
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 3-ounce box of blueberry/raspberry/strawberry gelatin (we used Jell-O brand Berry Blue flavor)
  • ½ cup cold water


Lightly grease a 9×13-inch rectangle cake pan. In a large bowl, combine the white cake mix, water, oil and egg whites. Blend until the batter is smooth.

American Flag Cake

Pour into the prepared pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool in the pan for 15 minutes.

American Flag Cake

Poke holes with a fork or end of a chopstick about 1-inch apart. In a medium bowl, pour the boilling water over the gelatin. Stir until well dissolved, about two minutes. Mix in the cold water. Pour the gelatin over the top of the cake. Refrigerate at least three hours. Carefully invert the cake on a rectangle cake board or plate.

American Flag Cake 

For the frosting and decorations

  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 – 1 ½ cups raspberries (or strawberries)


In a large bowl, whip the cream with the sugar until stiff peaks form. Frost the top and sides of the cake.

American Flag Cake

Arrange the berries to resemble an American flag pattern.  Fill a pastry bag with the remaining whipped cream. Use a large star tip to pipe decorative fillers between the rows of raspberries. Finish the edges of the cake with the rest of the frosting. Refrigerate until ready to slice and serve.

American Flag Cake


  • The above flag cake is just a representation of “Old Glory.” It really has 50 white stars on a field of blue and 13 alternating red and white horizontal stripes. Learn more about the flag’s history and symbolism and Flag Day from the website.
  • For a dramatic and colorful slice of this flag cake, try making a red velvet cake without poking and pouring gelatin in it. Frost and decorate as directed above.
  • Thanks always, Lisa L., for everything!