HI Cookery is 14!

After nearly three decades of living on the mainland, we moved again. This time we relocated to Hawaii!!! We started out in Oklahoma as newlyweds and moved around for Highlander’s job to New Jersey then Illinois then Texas (two cities). We knew we would eventually settle back in Hawaii…and now, like a blink of an eye, it has happened unexpectedly. Oh where oh where did the time go?

Highlander is a few years close to retirement but was still offered a job here when he wasn’t even looking. His company is just half an hour from Islander’s elderly parents’ neighborhood. This was a Divine sign that we needed to come home to look after them in their golden years as well as prepare for our own someday. 

Although we have visited Hawaii frequently, honestly the move back was not an easy one. Aside from adjusting to “reverse culture shock”, the “price of paradise” is a shocking reality. We lived for six months in Islander’s childhood home before we found a place just 10 minutes from her parents so she could check in on them often. Our new townhome now is half the size of our previous house (well, everything is indeed bigger in Texas) and triple the cost!!! Our cozy kitchen flows into a little living room and dining room on the first floor—an open concept floor plan indeed. Granted, it is still bigger than some kitchens but smaller than what we have been used to.

Now that we live in expensive Hawaii, we are paying a lot more for groceries and our dollars do not stretch as far anymore. As for finding “exotic” ingredients beyond Asian-Pacific items, it is also quite a challenge. Sometimes online companies do not ship them to our area. Or the fees are exorbitant, and we must do without. We admit that we were very spoiled on the mainland and realize that the limitations on an island are frustrating. Thanks to our friends there who send us occasional care packages and gifts. We appreciate their generosity and thoughtfulness. 

Despite it all, we are reunited with ‘ohana (family) and old friends who have always been there for us and long awaited our return. Our house blessing last summer was a beautiful homecoming and our hearts overflowed with an abundance of aloha (love). We have hosted a few small soirees already, cooking some recipes from our blog so they all can experience and taste something other than local cuisine. 

As we get settled into our life, we are still desperately trying to downsize. We donated a lot of things to church and charities but have a lot more to unpack and organize. Life goes on wherever we are, and we will continue adding recipes to our blog when we are able. Thank you for your patience and support during these past 14 years! 

Tapadh leat! Mahalo! Thanks!

Highlander and Islander

HI Cookery is 13!

Ah…the number 13 is considered unlucky. And perhaps it reflects our past year when it was Highlander’s turn to deal his own health issues (which required hospitalization and surgeries—yes, plural). We also got mild COVID last fall, though we have been vaxxed and boosted. What a stressful time yet we are trying to do what we can to still keep living life to the fullest!

Cooking has been a wonderful distraction from the stress. Trying new recipes and sharing them have been quite therapeutic mentally and physically. We reiterate that this little blog has never ever been for fame and fortune. We still get a few offers to be featured on other media and be monetized through affiliations. No, thank you! We are fine doing our own thing—and appreciate the unsolicited validation from our supporters. Yes, thank you!

This year, we added under our Theme Menus tab a section for “Oodles of Noodles”. In some cultures, noodles symbolize longevity. As we are getting older now and facing all the age-related issues, we pray for many more happy and healthy years ahead. Just us reaching our senior years is a blessing.

And HI Cookery turning 13 is…lucky!

Tapadh leat! Mahalo! Thanks!

Highlander and Islander

HI Cookery is 12!

A dozen years later…we are still around cooking ethnic and eclectic recipes!

This past year has been especially difficult, though, as Islander developed a rare blood clot in her lung following a procedure in her leg last spring (Highlander himself had a pulmonary embolism back in 2016). Fortunately, there were a few hospital beds still available for her during the pandemic to get excellent but expensive medical treatment. It was a long road to recovery and getting healthy took priority over food blogging and other aspects of our lives. We are grateful for your patience as we slowly return to this little hobby of ours.

HI Cookery started out simply as an online cook “book” to share recipes and memories with family and friends. The encouragement and prayers we receive from 200+ followers have been enough appreciation and motivation throughout the 12 years we have been posting on this website.

So cheers to a dozen years…and, God willing, many more for HI Cookery!

Tapadh leat! Mahalo! Thanks!

Highlander and Islander